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Branding, Design, Development

Foodiest Landing Page

The best UI/UX, coding and marketing practices are what I use to hand-code the foodiest project. I ensured that the website was mobile friendly and implemented all marketing best practice into it. The result is a highly performant and SEO friendly landing page.

Project Summary

1: Usage of Modern CSS and HTML, including flexbox, grid and responsive design. 2: Well designed, testable, efficient code by using best software development practices. 3: Usage of boundler (Gulp) 4: Usage of Search Engine Optimization best practices. 5: Usage of JavaScript with best practices in mind.

During this phase I underwent four stages in order to have a clear grasp and understanding of the project. Stage 1: Familiarizing myself with the company. Stage 2: Competitor Analysis Stage 3: Branding Analysis Stage 4: Ux Overall Questions. The final outcome of the process was a comprehensive and clear understanding of the company and the audience of the project.

In this phase, I analyzed the entire design using a bird's-eye view in order to better understand the pattern of components as well as typography, colors, and other crucial information to gain a thorough view of the project prior to begin with the write code. In this phase, I gather all images, text, icons and other resources to help the project succeed.

During this phase, I used modern, semantic and accessible HTML5 combined with Modern CSS, including flexbox and CSS Grid for layout. I also incorporated modern CSS practices for a 100% flexible layout. After that, I ensured that the website was completely responsive with a flexible approach that allowed me to cover a wide range of devices. I also used modern JavaScript to create dynamic effects like smooth scrolling for links, a sticky nav, and a beautiful mobile menu.
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